Customer needs are satisfied with the
skills of masters for a more convenient
process and baking quality perfection.

Product suitable for
small space

  • 1   Small, but same experience

    Small size, but high-performance
    softmill’s mini-series
  • 2   Fit in small stores and cafes

    Mini-series that can be applied from
    home to small cafes
  • 3   Let's make various breads

    with premium baking machine
    that are good to use in a small space

Mini Deck Oven

LCD screen display

Design registration 30-1131561

Patent registration 10-2250793

The LCD screen display intuitively shows whether the oven can be operated and the state of operation. Temperature can be set from 0°C to 250°C and heating can be controlled with precision. Direct spray steam generated from 150°C controls the steam accurately.
Mini Deck Oven LCD Screen Display Image

High temperature
steam condensation

Design registration 30-1131561

Patent registration 10-2250793

When baking, high temperature generated inside the product is discharged through a cylindrical pipe for immediate condensation. This condensation tank perfectly prevents hot water from being intermittently sprayed outside of the product, thus allowing safe and clean use.
Mini-series product drawing image

Mobile water
supply facility

Design registration 30-1131561

Patent registration 10-2250793

Mobile water tanks are used to supply steam spraying water. This function is for stores having difficulty to supply tap water, and depending on the store layout, it can be installed on top or on either side of the oven.
Mini-series product drawing image2

Mini Convection Oven

Hot air convection
current distribution

In order to provide even distribution of hot air convection current in the oven, the fan operates for 3 minutes in forward direction → stops for 25 seconds → 3 minutes in reverse direction → and stops for 25 seconds. Direction and time can be adjusted in the parameters.
Mini Convection Oven Drawings and Illustration Images
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  • 1년 무상 보증 서비스 AS 접수 콜센터 운영 1588-4891
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