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Daehung Softmill is continuously preparing for tomorrow.

As the nation’s only general bakery machine manufacturer, we have been striving to provide products with better technologies and quality from 1989 to today.
Daeheung Company was established in 1989, Dow Conditioner was launched in 1997, CEO was selected as Korea's master in 2011, Korea's first inverter Dow Conditioner was launched in 2019, and Daeheung Soft Mill is now 35th anniversary.

Beyond Korea and to global.

By exporting bakery machines and manufacturing technologies to the US, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, China, Germany, Australia, UAE, South Africa, and Russia, we are growing into a global company.
Images of exporting countries tagged on globe paintings

We have been growing continuously.

We are continuously researching and developing innovative technologies and we are not forgetting our principles for creating greater values. As Korea’s only global general confectionery and bakery machine maker, we will always keep in heart the mindset as a manager that places utmost priority on customers.
Daehung Softmill CEO
Kim Dae-In
images of mountains lined up in rows

Our mission

We will continuously carry out
environmentally and socially responsible management.
a beautiful bright curved image

Our technology

We possess precise technologies
based on the skills of seasoned technicians.
a black three-dimensional block image

Experience amazing baking with Softmill products.

Introducing specialized bakery machines created through ceaseless R&D and production knowhow of Daehung Softmill.

We support the convenient baking life of customers.

Based on the belief that fastest customer support is true customer service,
we are responding promptly to customer requirements and striving to provide services 365 days a year.

We are growing together with various partner companies.

Daehung Softmill offers the best products to bakery businesses.
We are striving to meet more customers based on trust.
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Customer Center

차별화된 A/S서비스

  • 1년 무상 보증 서비스 AS 접수 콜센터 운영 1588-4891
  • 메뉴얼 안내를 통한 선제적 고객지원으로 제품의 사전적 유지 및 관리
  • A/S 발생시 제품 수리 및 부품 교환
  • 제품 구매 시 11개월 후 B/S 지원
  • 완성도의 불만족 발생시, 원인 파악 및 지원
  • 고객요청 시 즉각적인 제품 검사 및 고객지원
  • 숙련된 전문 A/S팀에서 직접 고객서비스 지원
  • A/S부품의 항상 보유 긴급상황 시 신속한 배송

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